Posts Tagged ‘collections’

from the walled garden to the open meadow

Saturday, February 5th, 2011

In my workplace we’ve been using Yammer for a while now and I’ve noted that a social networking site (built in drupal) that was serving our web 2.0 community wasn’t being used anymore. I’m OK with this development as Yammer is working well and creating a larger community than we had in the old ‘alt_deakin’ site.

Alt deakin

What got me thinking though, was the rich resource that existed in that old site and the possibility that it would be archived and ‘lost’. I had been doing a regular posting each week (for a couple of years) of something I’d found (or been lead to) on the interwebs that I thought might be interesting to others. Another factor was that this site (along with yammer) is behind the institution firewall and not accessible to everyone. While I do share things via Twitter with the #yam hashtag, I find a blog post can provide a more comprehensive coverage. My dilemma then, was how to have a copy of these posts for my own reference and make them available somewhere else, for everyone else. To bring it all out into the open. I thought I’d embark on a two staged project to sort out my problem.

Stage 1 – I’ve been busy in my spare time ‘porting’ my posts across to a new blog space called ‘eclectica‘ and updating them where necessary. I’ve started with the most recent so the archives will slowly grow till they reach back a couple of years. Hope to see you there sometime.

Stage 2 – Will be to combine them all them into an epub so as to have an indexed document that’s self contained and reasonably accessible across a range of platforms. I’ll keep you posted on how that goes…