Post #18 – where this writer contemplates stillness
I guess it may be the type of job I have, and to some extent they way I work – but I often find myself overwhelmed by the number of things that need to get done. A lot of demands from different quarters as well as a seemingly never ending number of emails, phone calls, and drop-ins. The phone calls & drop-ins are interesting. I have an open door and welcome people to drop in with questions and talk about what they are doing, or want to do. Sometimes though, these drop-ins & phone calls turn into extended visits or consultations. Often there is a problem to solve or a question turns out to be complex and doesn’t have an easy answer. I do appreciate these occasions, but if it’s not planned and lasts 30-40 minutes, I find there is some catching up to do.
This leads to some frustration as all the tasks that require doing all compete for attention and I don’t know where to start with the next thing. A good friend has advised to just do the next thing, but often that can be tricky when faced with a number of priorities. Sometimes it seems that my mind just wants to escape and shut down from the demands of decision making. When I notice or realise this though, I know it’s time for a break – some time of quiet & stillness. A moment of calm is required to settle the cacophony and let things/thoughts settle and reorder themselves. Taking a 10 minute break can be useful, and I guess meditation also can do that for us. My solution is often to get out for a walk and take some fresh air. This changes the environment around me to provide different inputs and I find the distraction/s helpful. Coming back to the office and making a cup of tea make all the difference to what happens next…
How do you respond when you hear that inner call from some peace & quiet?
Moonrise over Corio bay
Word of the Day is ’scofflaw’ – not quite the same as a maverick, but close.